Tuesday, January 5, 2016

It gladdens my heart to address you all once more. I always count myself lucky and privileged to address you whenever the need arise not because I am paid to do so but because it gives me the opportunity to speak to persons that have decided to develop themselves and their Alma Matar without been forced or paid to do so. 
I wish to specially welcome each and everyone of you to this all important year; a year where we all shall experience total positive transformation in one area or the other of our lives.
I will forever be indebted and grateful to God for seeing us all through 2015 and bringing us safely into yet another year. We must acknowledge the fact that, our survival and achievements today, no matter how great or little they may seem to us was made possible through the Grace of God. Hence, we must as a matter of top prority; always remember to give thanks to God almighty.
As we all know, 2015 is gone and we are now in 2016. I dare to say, 2015 was very challenging to us as a body. More challenging I must say than 2014 when we founded this body. We were faced with lot of challenges ranging from lack of finance to irregular meetings. Equally, last year, we experience low turn out of members during meetings for one reason or the other. It was also the year that, we lost two of our members to death (Miss Charity and Mr. Kininde), may their soul Rest in Peace, Amen. 
As challenging as stated above, we can still look back and say with all sense of proud that, the last year was productive and good for this body.
We were able to record a lot of success collectively. I say collectively because all we achieved was made possible because we came together as a group. That is the main reason why I always dedicate every achievement made by this body to members of this group. 
Last year, we were able to execute some noble projects. Top on the list was the donation of notebooks to students of our Alma Matar. We attended Social Functions to either celebrate or mourn with our members. We held a get together and General Meetings among other achievements.
Also, I and my executives moved from one location to another to consult groups, personalities or organizations on how to serve you and this body better. We met leaders from various sets, Senior Prefects and people that have finished from “Our Great Alma Matar”. We opened various social media platforms and made publication of newspapers all in the quest of bringing others into this body. 
In the course of this consultation, we were made to understand that, the next step for the growth and development of this body is EXPANSION AND CONSOLIDATION ON WHAT WE HAVE ON GROUND.
We discover that, we shall be able to do more projects, attend more social functions in grand style, have better get together, impact more lives, develop ourselves, know one another better and above all, be of more help to our school and ourselves when we expand this year.
When I say expansion of the body, I mean it is time of enlagerment and unlimited increment in every aspect of our operation as a body within or outside Social Medias. It is time for serious business. It is time for all round development of this body and only school we can call our “Alma Matar”. It is time to have over one hundred persons in a single meeting of this body.
I wish to at this point, pause before I continue, to thank all those that contributed in one way or the other to the growth and development of this body last year. While the list is endless, I wish to thank specially my secretary, Mr. Okoye Ofovwo for his steadfastness. I equally say a big thank you to all those that supported this body financially, spiritually, morally and otherwise. You names may not be mentioned today but please be rest assure that you are not forgotten. Your good deeds will always be remembered by us and rewarded by God almighty, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Having appreciated all those who helped us last year, and as a strong believer in the saying, “appreciation is the application for more”, I will Like, Oliver Twist, ask for more from you. I ask for more co-operation, commitment, understanding, ideals, time, and above all, prayers from you as we embark on yet another journey of developing ourselves and the school that made us who we are today. 
I am a young man that has been saddled with this great responsibility of organizing and leading great personalities that finished from a school that was founded before I was born. I therefore wish to state, I cannot do it all alone. It is a big burden that we can only bear together. The development of this body is a task that can only be done when we join hands together. 
I wish to before I end, tender an unreserved apology to anybody that I may have offended in one way or the other in the course of carrying out my duties last year. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me and join hands with me in taking this body forward. 
There is hope ahead. A lot of people are signifying interest to work with us in other to develop this body. It will only be fair you join hands with us and I promise you that your name will be written boldly in gold when the time come to write the history of those that built this body.
Finally, Nelson Mandela dreamt of an Apartheid Free South Africa. Martin Luther Kings Dreamt of a United Black and White Americans. Bola Tinibu believed that an opposition Party can rule Nigeria. Today, all the dreams mentioned above have come to pass. Today, I dream of an EGSOSA that will experience an expansion beginning from this year that in the nearest future will become one of the greatest body to have been founded in the history of the world. I believe in this dream and shall work to achieve it. I urge you to do the same and I promise you, once more that your name will always be written in gold when the time to remember the builders of this body comes.
We have what it takes to expand and make it big and with your help, we shall expand and make it.
Thank You!
Ekiugbo Grammar School Old Students Association.